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Corsi Aziendali

Executive Master part-time in Innovation Management & Business Strategy

CFU recognized
3 CFU in the scientific field INF/01
3 CFU in the scientific field ING-INF/05

Duration & Modality
To be agreed upon

Como and On-Line

Start / End Dates
October 2024
February 2025

Scientific Director
Alessandro Giaume

4.500 € full price
3.600 € early bird


The Master’s program is a specialization path that can offer the skills necessary to work successfully in the world of innovation and digital transformation in line with ISO 56002 certification and to be recognized as a professional in the field within the appropriate MISE registers.

This path is aimed at young professionals who are passionate, bright, and interested in a career in the field of innovation and business transformation in roles related to the management and management of the company’s transformational processes from sales to production to logistics. The course is also aimed at established entrepreneurs who plan to complete their professional profile with specific skills related to the world of innovation and digital transformation.

The Master trains a professional figure capable of identifying the opportunities offered by the reference context, stimulating and supporting the continuous development of the organization’s innovative capacity by managing digital transformation processes and business model innovation to improve value creation mechanisms.

The Master’s program provides the skills to become an Innovation Manager with abilities that include understanding business governance from an innovative and technological development perspective, analyzing and evaluating disruptive innovations, emerging and exponential technologies that form new customer segments and new business models, managing knowledge and organizational learning, the application of approaches and tools for innovative thinking, digital transformation, and managing and leading innovation and digital transformation projects, leveraging the enabling technologies in the market and governing the tools needed to achieve their goals, but also directing change in the company itself.


The master’s program lasts about 5 months and is structured with a hybrid part-time mode, which includes both an in-person and an online part and consists of 10 compulsory modules of 12h each for the attainment of the diploma.

The course features 10 modules delivered in hybrid mode, each of 12 hours divided as follows: 

  • 2h on-demand on the days preceding the module
  • 7h in-person on Friday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.
  • 3h live streaming on Saturday morning from 9:30 am to 12:45 pm

Attendance is compulsory to the extent of at least 70% of the lectures in the entire Master’s program.

Total H of the course   – Required formsTotal H
Tot h of Class in Presence Required forms70
Tot h of Class in Live Streaming Required forms30
Tot h of Class On Demand Required forms 20
Tot h of Project Work 50
Total h of Class Required forms 170

At the end of the course there is a final project work to be developed by the student with the guidance of a lecturer and to be presented on the final day at the conclusion of the master’s program.

Master start and end dates:

Classes: Friday, October 04, 2024 – Friday, December 14, 2024
Project Work: January 14 – February 14, 2025

who is addressed

Managers and entrepreneurs who want to acquire, on the one hand, the skills needed to define a systemic model of innovation development for their organization and, on the other hand, the tools needed to effectively manage the processes and organizational structures that preside over innovation.


Characterized by an operational approach, the main objective of the Master’s program is to train highly specialized figures in the different areas indicated, with practical tools to support both the creation and management of business innovation and digital transformation projects. Thanks to direct contact with professionals in the field, the Master’s program will enable the acquisition of tools and skills that are indispensable in extremely dynamic and complex work environments. The professional figure defined by the course will have specific knowledge of managing and overseeing innovation in the company, leading digital transformation projects and managing change processes within the company. He/she will be able to develop business innovation strategies, lead teams and manage the company’s digital change and transformation processes. He/she will have solid digital knowledge and skills to be able to understand current technologies and state-of-the-art tools, leading the implementation of business transformation paths.

Outgoing Skills: 

  • Understanding of business governance in innovation and digital transformation;
  • Innovative and technological development;
  • Analysis and evaluation of innovations;
  • Analysis of emerging and exponential technologies;
  • Analysis and design of new business models;
  • Planning and management of innovation projects;
  • Application of approaches and tools for innovative thinking;
  • Managing and leading innovation and digital transformation projects;
  • Implementation of enabling technologies;
  • Direction and management of change projects in the company;
  • Adoption of a mindset devoted to productive innovation and change;
  • Understanding of financial tools to support innovation;
  • Implementation of the tools needed to achieve business objectives. 


The master’s program adopts an engaging teaching method that includes testimonials, case studies, and practical exercises to deepen all the topics covered. During the course, participants will work on project work in small groups, both in the classroom and via the die-learning platform, to put into practice the skills learned in the various modules and develop innovative integrated projects.

Several Case Histories will also be presented regarding successful international experiences, both in the business context and in creative fields that have influenced society and thinking.

Each module of the course will include interactive innovation workshops, where participants will be able to use different brainstorming methodologies to stimulate creativity in different contexts.


THEME 1: Introduction to Innovation Management
THEME 2: Corporate Culture of Innovation
THEME 3: Management of Change and Risks of Innovation
THEME 4: Processes and Tools for Innovation I
THEME 5: Processes and Tools for Innovation II
THEME 6: Business Model Innovation
THEME 7: Open Innovation and Collaboration
THEME 8: Digital Innovation and Enabling Technologies.
THEME 9: Culture of Data
THEME 10: Financing and Sustainability of Innovation.

modules and educational program

  1. Introduction to innovation management – Alessandro Giaume
    The module aims to provide the basic elements necessary to outline what characteristics innovation should have today and what the relationships between these are in the organizational ecosystem. What emerges is the need for structured management, as with any other organizational process.

  2. Corporate culture of innovation Cristian Ranallo 
    This compulsory module aims to train participants in the skills needed to understand the needs of the business organization and to develop an innovation-focused corporate culture and mindset that can seize the opportunities of digital transformation through, among other things, aligning and engaging all resources
  3. Digital Innovation and Enabling Technologies Abilitanti  – Alessandro Giaume
    This compulsory module aims to analyze emerging enabling technologies that can bring big news and innovations to the market, developing in participants the ability to analyze market trends and identify which technologies will be crucial to innovate and be competitive.
  4. Processes and tools for innovation I Alessandro Giaume
    In this compulsory module, participants will study and experiment with all the tools and processes to plan, manage and direct innovation projects for the company, developing the skills to analyze needs, map out an innovation strategy, coordinate resources to implement new tools and processes in the company, managing the process of digital transformation and business innovation.

  5. Processes and tools for innovation IIAlessandro Giaume
    This module consists of the second part of the content described in the module Processes and Tools for Innovation I.

  6. Business Model InnovationCANDIDATI!
    This elective module aims to analyze participants’ abilities to identify the opportunities that digital innovation and technological advances offer to adopt and develop new business models that can harness the potential of modern technology to deliver better service or respond to new market needs.
  7. Open Innovation and Collaboration Cristian Ranallo
    This compulsory master’s module aims to develop participants’ ability to understand and apply the concepts of open innovation and collaborative innovation, which can provide companies and teams with the ability to innovate without having to deal with large investments of time and resources.
  8. Change Management and Innovation Risks Valentina De Matteo 
    This compulsory module aims to develop participants’ abilities to identify innovation risks and obstacles to change in order to be able to manage the company’s digital transformation processes, with a focus on the challenges the difficulties that change can generate in the organization
  9. Culture of Data Stefano Gatti 
    In this mandatory module, participants will gain an understanding of how data is one of the most valuable assets for companies today. The module aims to develop participants’ ability to manage the process of data validation and enhancement, from its collection to its analysis, extrapolation and management.
  10. Financing and Sustainability of Innovation Alberico Tremigliozzi 
    In this module of the course, participants will learn about sources of funding to support innovation in the company, analyzing what the main requirements are for major financial instruments to support innovation and digital transformation.


The following materials will be used and made available for the conduct of the module: 

  • Slide presentation with sections specifically devoted to each of the topics covered
  • Video clips containing training pills on the various topics covered, which can also be used on-demand
  • Specific bibliography for possible further study on a personal level, with books and academic papers


The course ends with the completion and evaluation of the project work (PW).

The PW will be carried out with the support of a tutor lecturer who will make three remote meetings with the learner before the final presentation. This will take place in front of a panel of judges in face-to-face mode at ComoNext headquarters.

Methods of Enrollment and Customization of the course

For any information, requests for assistance and master’s customization, please contact us!
To submit your application, analyze the best content for your needs, and customize your course send us an email with your request, along with a contact information.

For info and enrollment:

Are you ready to personalize your training? Contact us!

If to imagine a new destination is enough to dream,
charting the right path requires new skills and a new perspective.
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