Sergio Montemagno

Coach PCC ICF | Trainer Soft Skills | Partner OOMM Consulting Srl

Coach PCC ICF | Trainer Soft Skills | Partner OOMM Consulting Srl


  • Coaching for personal and professional development
  • Team & Group Coaching
  • Behavioral Trainer
  • Soft Skills Training
  • Team Building and Team Work

Catanese by birth, Milanese by adoption, for several years I have been involved in supporting people and teams in their personal and professional growth and development paths. Professional coach with PCC ICF accreditation, Trainer in the behavioral field for the development of soft skills. I am a partner of OOMM Consulting Srl, a management training and consulting company working in the area of change management. I strongly believe in the power and opportunities that change offers us, partly because we cannot stop evolving over time.

The peculiarities that I am most often recognized for are the ability to listen and engage, and the construction of development paths from a partnership perspective: I build together with my clients their path of growth and development. To offer techniques and professionalism to those who decide to rely on my support, I constantly continue to invest in my training as a Coach and as a Trainer.

What can you expect from me? A reliable partner who will always root for you and communicate authentically and transparently.


Leadership & People Management

During this course, you will explore the concept of Leadership from innovative perspectives, going beyond traditional and academic views. You will have the opportunity to develop your own leadership style, based on your personal and professional skills.

Leadership Academy

A training program dedicated to inter-company managerial figures, with the aim of providing them with the opportunity to develop leadership and team management skills, adapting their style to different situations, and compare themselves on different business realities.

Companies of the New Era: Managerial and Leadership Styles Compared

The module is part of the course “Leadership Academy, a training program dedicated to inter-company managerial figures, with the aim of providing them with the opportunity to develop leadership and team management skills, adapting their style to different situations, and compare themselves on different business realities.

Time Management and Problem Solving: Ottimizzare il Tempo e trovare Soluzioni Creative

Il modulo fa parte del corso “Leadership Academy, un programma formativo dedicato a figure manageriali interaziendali, con l’obiettivo di offrire loro l’opportunità di sviluppare competenze di leadership e gestione dei team, adattando il proprio stile alle diverse situazioni, e confrontarsi sulle diverse realtà aziendali.

Motivating and Engaging the Team: Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation

Il modulo fa parte del corso “Leadership Academy, un programma formativo dedicato a figure manageriali interaziendali, con l’obiettivo di offrire loro l’opportunità di sviluppare competenze di leadership e gestione dei team, adattando il proprio stile alle diverse situazioni, e confrontarsi sulle diverse realtà aziendali.

Relational Communication: Building Effective Relationships and Managing Conflict

Il modulo fa parte del corso “Leadership Academy, un programma formativo dedicato a figure manageriali interaziendali, con l’obiettivo di offrire loro l’opportunità di sviluppare competenze di leadership e gestione dei team, adattando il proprio stile alle diverse situazioni, e confrontarsi sulle diverse realtà aziendali.

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