Vincenzo Migliano

Front-end Expert @Booleans and teacher at IED Roma

Teacher in the Executive Master in e-Commerce Marketing Management of UX and UI Optimization module


  • User Interface
  • User Experience
  • Graphic design
  • Web interface modeling
  • PWA Architecture


Who am I
My name is Vincenzo Migliano, I deal with the production process of Web interfaces.

What I do
I create unique and customized digital solutions. From design to programming, to front end and back end modeling, each element is tailor-made and developed with a thorough method.

What I did
I have worked and work for entities such as Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Algida, Enel, Tod’s, Diesel,
Regione Emilia Romagna, E-distribuzione, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ragioneria Generale dello
Italian State (MEF) and WindTre Spa.

Skills developed
I focused on acquiring skills related to visual communication, exploring different areas: psychology and morphology of form, psychology of color, publishing, corporate identity, advanced printing processes, history and use of typography.

Subsequently, I transferred this knowledge to the web context, delving into the production processes of interfaces, from conception to front-end implementation.


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