Share the value
of your knowledge

Our training model allows you to propose, co-create and share
your training content with students and companies, selecting the methods and topics you deem most appropriate, to convey the knowledge needed to meet the challenges of the future.

The first reality that recognize
the teacher as the author

Our training model enables you to create, place, and disseminate modern, high-quality content. Through the use of digital technologies, content will be easily accessible, high-interest and engaging.

We believe in the value of knowledge, so we recognize you as the author of co-created content. Enhance your skills and join the movement of the new era of education!


Selection and
of training content

Starting from a thorough analysis of the needs of the labor market and users, we select educational proposals from teachers and training institutions based on the skills required by the modern labor market.

We then offer our support for the co-creation of educational content selected in collaboration with teachers and training institutions, which is made with a modular structure so that at the stage of training proposal to the student the composition of hybrid and customizable training paths, composed of the modules of different teachers and training institutions and designed to meet the particular needs and objectives of individual users, i.e. students and companies.

Modular courses co-created with faculty and training institutions are an ideal solution not only to respond in a targeted and concrete way to user needs but also to offer a service that can help faculty and training institutions improve, enhance effectiveness, and extend the scope and lifecycle of their training offerings.


Analysis of needs and proposal of tailored training paths

Before accessing the catalog of educational content students and companies have the opportunity to go through a phase of assesstment and analysis whose purpose is to thoroughly understand the particular needs objectives and characteristics of people so that we can del offer a service that can present the best content and assemble the appropriate training paths to meet the needs and objectives of individual users.

Once the training course composed of the content most in line with the needs and objectives has been presented, we still offer the user the opportunity to customize and redesign their course by individually selecting the modules of their interest based on the content, trainer, mode, value, etc.

This will provide users with customized training designed specifically for them that can develop the skills and talents that make them unique and competitive in the modern job market.


Hybrid mode training deliveries in modern environments

Once the customized pathway is created, consisting of learning content from different trainers, the teaching is delivered in the manner and characteristics selected by users in modern physical and digital environments.

In fact, DIBS allows faculty and educational institutions to select the delivery mode that best aligns with their goals and needs by making available their channels, tools, and spaces to create and deliver educational experiences that know the advantages exploit offered by modern technologies and environments.

Both trainers and users always have advanced tools at their disposal that enable them to monitor the quality, progress and performance of their training.

You have an innovative idea
and would like to propose the implementation of a course? Contact us!

Whatever your proposal is, we will be glad to receive it and review it together.

Apply as a DIBS lecturer and share the value of your knowledge,
you are just one step away from becoming the real star of your own content!