Chess board and pieces in a chess game.

Processes and Tools for Innovation I

Duration and Format
12 hours


Como and On-Line

Start / End Dates
25 October 2024
26 October 2024

725 € one course
580 € from three courses


The module fits within the training course with the aim of outlining the relevant elements in reaction to the processes that need to be activated for systemic innovation management and to give an indication of what tools can be employed. 


Videos of up to 20 minutes in length “à la” webinar are available for each of the module topics, with or without accompanying slides
The videos can be enjoyed independently of each other

IN PRESENCE – 7h (9:30 am – 12:45 pm + 2 pm – 6:15 pm) :

PART 1 : How to build a vision of innovation that is in line with the organizational strategic approach and enables its symbiotic development
PART 2 : How to implement an idea management strategy that enables its concrete and organizationally coherent development?
PART 3 : How to realize innovation governance and project portfolio management? How to enable its synergistic management with the strategic development of the organization?
PART 4 : What are the KPIs of innovation? How to incorporate them into a systemic program?
PART 5 : Design Thinking as a tool for innovation development.
PART 6 : Two practical and indispensable tools: Value Proposition Canvas and Business Model Canvas
PART 7 : A testimony

IN LIVE STREAMING – 3h (9:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.) :

PART 1 : assignment of team work, having divided the class into groups: presentation of use case and representation of the challenge
PART 2 : performance of the activities
PART 3 : presentation / pitch of the different teams and open discussion
PART 4 : take away of the module as a whole


THEME 1. The vision of innovation
THEME 2. The origin: idea management
THEME 3. Innovation governance and project portfolio management
THEME 4. KPIs of innovation
THEME 5. The Design Thinking
THEME 6. Value Proposition Canvas and Business Model Canvas.
THEME 7. A testimonial (optional)

who is addressed

Managers of mede and large organizations who want to acquire the skills for designing systemic innovation processes and managing them.

OBJECTIVES and skills

The module accompanies the learner in learning the fundamentals of establishing a framework for developing and governing a systemic innovation process. Specifically, the different stages of the framework are outlined and for each of these what tools are most appropriate and effective to employ.


The module aims to give learners the tools for the development of an organizational innovation framework, which can enable its governance through the use of specific tools as well.


The skills are operational in nature, due to the ability to design process flows that are functional in grounding an innovation governance system.

Methods of Enrollment and Customization of the course

For any information, requests for assistance and master’s customization, please contact us!
To submit your application, analyze the best content for your needs, and customize your course send us an email with your request, along with a contact information.

For info and enrollment:

Sei pronto a personalizzare la tua formazione? Contattaci!